Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Thr Brazilian Film Industry - 1028 Words

Brazil The Brazilian cinema has seen its fair share of highs and lows from 1980- 2014. The cinema success is directly related to the people in power since the cinema is funded through government subsides. Brazilian producers cant hold a candle to the American cinema, not many can, they tried making box offices hits. Last year, in 2013, the top 10 films in Brazil were posted and a Brazilian film was the 3rd American imported films came in the first two. The little victories are important to a country that has such a free- trade market they don’t focus on pushing their own cinema. The early 1980’s were a dark time for Brazil. President Figueiredo came into office when debt and unemployment were at its highest. Also Brazil was in $90million dollar debt. This economic struggle introduces Brazilian cinema to a new low. By the early 1990’s President Collar opens the market to free trade. This was to industrialize Brazil, and attempt to cut government spending. Cutting government spending hurt cinema, which is why there will be a large decline in the early 1990s. By 1992 president Franco came into office. The inflation rate by this time doubled. This was a very bad time for brazils government. With the economy doing so poorly the urban crime life was high, acting as a muse for many producers. At this time 40% of the domestic films were documentaries on urban violence. In the 1980s to produce a film in Brazil is cost about $500,000 in order for the film to pay for itself

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